Thursday, December 13, 2012

Our 100th Post

Who would have foreseen when starting this blog that we would reach the 100 post mark? Although we are our worst critics at times, writing this blog has become one of the most rewarding parts of traveling, and we can't envision life without it (a hint at what awaits in the new year perhaps?).

We have loved sharing our experiences abroad with friends and family at home and everyone around the world. Therefore, in celebration of our 100th post, we've decided to do something fun and (hopefully) interactive using some of the more obscure photos from our past four months in Europe. As Calli has a thing for photographing doors (handles, flower pots... basically anything that's overly common all over the world), we've decided to finally share some of these images with you. The challenge, guess the city where each of these pictures were taken and leave us a comment with your answers. If you need some help remembering where we've been (sometimes it's even fuzzy for us) the complete list is available under the tab above labeled "our trip".


Bonus points - if anyone can get all ten correct we'll bring you on our next trip. Clearly we're confident this challenge is almost impossible. We will update the post in a few days with the correct answers. Good Luck! 

P.S. Calli isn't convinced anyone will comment. If you've got a moment please leave a few guesses so I don't look like an idiot.


  1. Here is my guess...
    #1 Santorini (definately Greece by the blue sky)
    #2 Seville
    #3 Madrid
    #4 Amalfi
    #5 Burano - this one for sure
    #6 Berlin (grafiti town)
    #7 Cordoba
    #8 Barcelona (a little gaudy)
    #9 Dubrovnik
    #10 Lisbon
    See you Soon - Love Mom

  2. Santorini for sure


    Brugge-maybe cheating as I have a pic of the same spot


    Burano for sure

    Berlin - Tacheles building?





    This was fun...have a good one and thanks for commenting on our blog

