Monday, December 31, 2012

In with 2013...

After a whirlwind Christmas, including three turkey dinners and a zillion hours excitedly recounting our favorite travel moments from the past four months, it's time to get back to normal life here at home. However, without jobs or a house, this means catching up on the posts we've let lapse while recovering from jet lag and working off the pumpkin pie we scarfed down last week. 

In addition to a detailed account of our time in Salisbury and Bath, including a visit to Stonehenge, we have a growing list of posts to share over the next little while. As well, we are looking at the plausibility of another adventure, or two, in 2013 to satisfy our travel bug.

While we work at getting back into the swing of things, here are our New Year's Resolutions for 2013...
  • Give more time to exploring our local attractions 
  • Expand our travel-blog reading list
  • Rework our blog's format and add a few more features
  • Carry the camera around at home as we do while traveling
  • Venture out of our comfort zone on future trips
  • Try new foods in the countries we visit
  • Remember what we packed needlessly in 2012 and pack lighter
  • Snap more photos of ourselves - in addition to the scenery
  • Indulge on occasion and worry about pinching pennies a bit less
  • Recognize each day how fortunate we are to be able to explore the world

As we welcome 2013 and the travel opportunities before us, we are excited to share every detail here and hope you'll follow along! 

Have you made any travel resolutions for 2013?

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